Dates : 1/6- 3/29
*No Saturday practices on weekends with a scheduled meet.
**No practice during the week of Spring Break
Locations- practices will rotate between :
Boulder Park-off of Powhaton and New Castle: Southshore neighborhood @ Aurora Res.
Fox Ridge Middle School- @ the track
Red Tailed Hawk Park- Aurora Pkwy and Hinsdale
*No Saturday practices on weekends with a scheduled meet.
**Training specifics are loaded into team app, available upon joining of the team.
***Subject to change
1/18: EDT Race #1
2/1: EDT Race#2
2/8: Colorado Elite Invite #1
2/22: Washburn Be Your Best Meet #3; Topeka, KS
3/2: Cherry Creek Dam Run 5k/10k
3/29: EDT Race #3; The Great Pancake Race
* All Events Subject to Change