The long story short is...if they like to run, YES! If they are excited about it, then YES!
If they are reluctant, it may not be the best fit.
The culture of our club is built around being prideful as a runner. Running as a sport is challenging. We try not to be a place of conditioning for another sport, and ask that athletes enjoy running itself and not see it as a negative or as punishment.
YES! Once a month, typically the first Monday, we allow prospective athletes to trial a free session. Please reach out to us directly if this interests you. If an athlete wishes to try a practice with us, they must have a filled out registration form for the season they are trying which includes an agreement to our waiver of liability (signed digitally on the registration form). If they choose to join after that, they must have dues paid prior to the next session.
To promote team unity and culture, we ask that athletes plan to attend all scheduled training sessions each week. We ask that athletes try not miss Elevated practices to attend other sports practices. Regularly missing practices might mean the current season is not a good fit.
Our biggest concern is that the child is HAPPY! If they enjoy participating in multiple disciplines, we fully support that. We support athletes playing many sports and being well rounded athletes, but we ask that EDT be its own priority if you chose to participate. We will do our best to make sure the child is happy and successful while in our care.
Unfortunraly, no. We feel it is important to focus where you have passion, and the passion of our club lies in the realm of distance running. We focus on training athletes for events of 800m and above. While our athletes may compete in some 400m races in meets for speed, our training focuses primarily on the longer distances.
Our training sessions are all outdoors. We make every effort to not cancel or reschedule practices. As long as it is not a safety concern, we plan to train. Examples of why we may cancel a session: heavy snow, extreme cold/wind (below 25 degree wind chill), ice, lightning, and hail.
You can join at any point of the season! We work hard to keep dues as low as possible and continue to be the lowest priced club in the state. Athletes are required to pay full dues up until the final 5 weeks of a season, at which point they receive a $100 discount for the remainder of the seasons.
Excellence comes from commitment. We expect all athletes to be at every practice they are able. If an athlete needs to miss a training session, it is not necessary to reach out, and we will plan on seeing them at the next practice. However, please let us know should they miss a meet.
All we ask is that each child can run a half mile without walking, and have a genuine interest and love for running. It is our job to make them fast!
Please reach out to us directly if you are experiencing a financial hardship that would prevent your child from participating. We do not ever want money to be a reason a child does not get an opportunity.
Parents are always welcome to watch practice, but we ask that they not participate. We have a staff of qualified and caring coaches that work hard to make sure all athletes are physically and emotionally cared for.
If you wish to help as a coach, please reach out to Coach Tate directly. While nothing is ever promised, it can't hurt to have a discussion.