8/25- 10/31: 3 days/week
*see below for specifics on schedule
11/3-12/6: 4 days/week
*see below for specifics on schedule
Locations- practices will rotate between :
Boulder Park-off of Powhaton and New Castle: Southshore neighborhood @ Aurora Res.
Fox Ridge Middle School- on the track
Red Tailed Hawk Park- Aurora Pkwy and Hinsdale
*No Saturday practices on weekends with a scheduled meet.
**Training specifics are loaded into team app, available upon joining of the team.
***Subject to change
Session 1:
9/6- EDT Great XC Pancake Race (Team scrimmage only)
TBD- Colorado Coyote Invitational @ Dekoevand Park (~9/28)
TBD- Boulder Mountain Warrior XC Challenge (~10/4)
10/12- EDT XC Showdown @ Aurora Sports Park
TBD- Expo Park XC Race
TBD- Kokopelli Invite
*All athletes expected to attend EDT XC Showdown (10/12) + at least 2 of the 4 other regular season meets.
Session 2 (post-season):
We are awaiting details from both USATF and AAU to be released to decide which route we will go as a club.
**dates/events are subject to change and still a work in progres.